Nick Vertigans
Described as a game-changing coach; Nick’s mission is to create breakthrough learning moments for people and teams, then translate them into action and impact.
Nick draws on his experience of leading multi-cultural teams at both Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters, and as a leadership coach he’s helped hundreds of organisations to flourish & thrive, as they navigate challenging, exciting growth journeys.
Clients range from the brightest start-ups in the Nordics to the biggest companies in the world; global brands in financial services, electronics, software, engineering, legal, oil, supply chain, pharmaceutical firms, educational institutions and organisations such as the E.U.
He challenges capable leaders to find their own voice and supports teams to grow and meet the demands of today, be it leading in a virtual world, collaboration and connecting the dots within organisations, or driving crucial conversations.
His work is typically described as ‘demanding, inspiring, surprising, game-changing and serious fun’. His speaking is described as ‘impactful, energetic, and lots of fun’.
Themes in 2021 include:
- The Perfect Pitch – outstanding communication that gets remembered and actioned
- Master the everyday courageous, crucial conversation
- ‘Be yourself, everyone else is already taken’ Find the energy and confidence to shine
- What Elite Teams do consistently well
- Mastering hybrid, for now anyway.
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