Frida Boisen
How to become one with the digital future
Frida Boisen is world master in social media. She won the title at the INMA Awards in San Francisco 2014. She is one of Swedens most popular speakers and have been elected Swedens best digital leader.
As a digital manager at Bonnier and chronicler at Expressen Frida Boisen is one of Swedens best known media personalities. Frida have won several awards for her work in communication and social media.
Frida Boisen holds lectures on social media, communication, business development, digital strategies, trend analyst, positive leadership and The future. She is a best selling author with her latest book &quotDigital succé – så lyckas du i sociala medier&quot and every week she talks about the latest trends in social media on Swedish television.
Her lectures are mind-blowing roller coaster rides. She delivers hard facts with great enthusiasm and positive energy when she describes the new world that is in hand. She describes how your organization can use social media and smart strategies to reach your goals when it comes to leadership, communication and business development. Fridas positive, eye opening and entertaining lectures will give you tools and inspire you to succeed in the digital world. She will show you how to catch your clients interest and how you take the next step in business development.
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Jos haluat lisätietoa aiheesta Frida Boisen, klikkaa alta ja täytä yhteydenottolomake. Kysymyksesi lähetetään suoraan koulutuksen järjestäjälle.Seuraavat toteutukset
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