Antti Niittyviita
Antti Niittyviita is a 2M influencer, a 4M€ entrepreneur, a Spartan Racer and a two time author whose books include Confidence Unleashed and Storytools of Testing. During his journey as an entrepreneur, Antti has met with more than 3100 people in one-to-one discussions about how to create excellence. He is also the founder of Kaizenhour, the outstanding personal development system for achievers.
Though best known as a speaker and highly regarded trainer, Antti is on speed dial as an advisor and coach to software project excellence in terms of leadership and quality for many leading companies in Finland. His company Prove focuses on quality in software projects.
In his books and many talks Antti Niittyviita shares his perilous journey of founding a business at the worst time of the millenium. Through the financial crisis and adversities that followed he ended up as a CEO by accident. Becoming a leader of a company that was two weeks away from bankruptcy forced Antti on an expedition to figure out how to turn the business around. The lessons learned during this expedition not only helped the business survive, but has made it thrive in the uncertain times of today.
Seven most requested themes:
Sales as a way to generate growing cash flows
Marketing and attention in scaling up businesses
Building winning products and services
Time management skills in creating results as individuals or teams
Leading people towards success and happiness
Communicating with impact in business and life
Helping a business to survive and thrive
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