Intensive Finnish Language and Culture Summer Course
Get to know Finnish language and lifestyle in an international atmosphere on the Intensive Summer Course organized by the Summer University of Jyväskylä!
The course is aimed at anyone over the age of 18 from anywhere in the world, who is interested in learning about Finnish language and culture. Language teaching is organized in skill level groups ranging from beginners to advanced (A0-C1).
The course has professional and highly motivated language teachers. Our staff is committed to making sure that you get the most out of your course in an inspiring atmosphere.
80 teaching hours in Finnish language, and at least 20 hours of cultural program + many extra cultural activities!
Language lessons take place during the day. Alongside official lessons our cultural program organizes trips to nature, sightseeing, and various other activities to help you familiarize yourself with the Finnish way of life. During the course our students get to go on a diverse and thorough journey into Finnish language and culture.
Seuraavat toteutukset
Anyone over the age of 18, who is interested in learning about Finnish language and culture.
From June 30th to July 18th 2025 only in Jyväskylä. Monday to Friday from 9 am to 2 pm.
University of Jyväskylä
855 € /participant
Early bird price 799 € for applications sent by March 31st 2025!
Course price for students and staff at JAMK and JYU universities: 699 €
Ota yhteyttä
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