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MS-4006: Copilot For Microsoft 365 For Administrators

Corellia Helsinki Oy, paikassa Helsinki (+1 sijaintia)
1 päivä
690 EUR + alv 25,5 % (yht. 865,95 EUR)
Seuraava toteutus
12 syyskuuta, 2024 (+4 toteutusta)
Lähiopetus, Etätoteutus
1 päivä
690 EUR + alv 25,5 % (yht. 865,95 EUR)
Seuraava toteutus
12 syyskuuta, 2024 (+4 toteutusta)
Lähiopetus, Etätoteutus
alkaen 690 EUR + alv 25,5 % / osallistuja

MS-4006: Copilot For Microsoft 365 For Administrators


Kurssi on suunniteltu antamaan järjestelmänvalvojille ymmärrys, kuinka Microsoft 365 Copilot -työkalua voidaan hyödyntää tehokkaasti organisaation hallinnassa. Opit automatisoimaan ja optimoimaan hallintatehtäviä, parantamaan käyttäjäkokemusta ja lisäämään tuottavuutta hyödyntämällä Copilotin kehittyneitä ominaisuuksia. Kurssi kattaa muun muassa käyttäjähallinnan, tietoturvan ja compliance-ominaisuudet sekä käytännön harjoitukset, joiden avulla voit soveltaa oppimaasi heti käytännössä.

Kurssin olennainen sisältö

Module 1: Examine the Copilot for Microsoft 365 design

  • Describe the prerequisites for Copilot for Microsoft 365.
  • Explain how Copilot for Microsoft 365 works.
  • Understand the Copilot for Microsoft 365 service and tenant logical architecture.
  • Describe how to extend Copilot for Microsoft 365 using Microsoft Graph connectors.

Module 2: Implement Copilot for Microsoft 365

  • Identify the prerequisites for Copilot for Microsoft 365.
  • Prepare your data for Copilot for Microsoft 365 searches.
  • Assign your Copilot for Microsoft 365 licenses.
  • Identify Microsoft 365 security features that control oversharing of data in Copilot for Microsoft 365.
  • Drive adoption by creating a Copilot Center of Excellence.

Module 3: Examine data security and compliance in Copilot for Microsoft 365

  • Describe how Copilot for Microsoft 365 uses proprietary business data.
  • Understand how Copilot for Microsoft 365 protects sensitive business data.
  • Describe how Copilot for Microsoft 365 uses Microsoft 365 isolation and access controls.
  • Understand how Copilot for Microsoft 365 meets regulatory compliance mandates.

Module 4: Manage secure user access in Microsoft 365

  • Manage user passwords.
  • Create Conditional Access policies.
  • Enable security defaults.
  • Describe pass-through authentication.
  • Enable multifactor authentication.
  • Describe self-service password management.
  • Implement Microsoft Entra Smart Lockout.

Module 5: Manage roles and role groups in Microsoft 365

  • Understand how roles are used in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.
  • Describe the Azure role-based access control permission model used in Microsoft 365.
  • Identify the key tasks assigned to the common Microsoft 365 admin roles.
  • Identify best practices when configuring admin roles.
  • Delegate admin roles to partners.
  • Implement role groups in Microsoft 365.
  • Manage permissions using administrative units in Microsoft Entra ID.
  • Elevate privileges to access admin centers by using Microsoft Entra ID Privileged Identity Management.

Module 6: Explore threat intelligence in Microsoft Defender XDR

  • Describe how threat intelligence in Microsoft 365 is powered by the Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph.
  • Create alerts that can identify malicious or suspicious events.
  • Understand how the automated investigation and response process works in Microsoft Defender XDR.
  • Describe how threat hunting enables security operators to identify cybersecurity threats.
  • Describe how Advanced hunting in Microsoft Defender XDR proactively inspects events in your network to locate threat indicators and entities.

Module 7: Implement data classification of sensitive information

  • Explain the benefits and pain points of creating a data classification framework.
  • Identify how data classification of sensitive items is handled in Microsoft 365.
  • Understand how Microsoft 365 uses trainable classifiers to protect sensitive data.
  • Create and then retrain custom trainable classifiers.
  • Analyze the results of your data classification efforts in Content explorer and Activity explorer.
  • Implement Document Fingerprinting to protect sensitive information being sent through Exchange Online.

Module 8: Explore sensitivity labels

  • Describe how sensitivity labels let you classify and protect your organization’s data
  • Identify the common reasons why organizations use sensitivity labels
  • Explain what a sensitivity label is and what they can do for an organization
  • Configure a sensitivity label’s scope
  • Explain why the order of sensitivity labels in your admin center is important
  • Describe what label policies can do

Module 9: Implement sensitivity labels

  • Describe the overall process to create, configure, and publish sensitivity labels
  • Identify the administrative permissions that must be assigned to compliance team members to implement sensitivity labels
  • Develop a data classification framework that provides the foundation for your sensitivity labels
  • Create and configure sensitivity labels
  • Publish sensitivity labels by creating a label policy
  • Identify the differences between removing and deleting sensitivity labels

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 4 toteutusta

12 syyskuuta, 2024

  • Lähiopetus
  • Helsinki

12 syyskuuta, 2024

  • Etätoteutus
  • Verkossa

12 marraskuuta, 2024

  • Lähiopetus
  • Helsinki

12 marraskuuta, 2024

  • Etätoteutus
  • Verkossa


Kurssi on suunnattu erityisesti järjestelmänvalvojille ja IT-ammattilaisille, jotka vastaavat Microsoft 365 -ympäristön hallinnasta ja ylläpidosta.

Kurssin esitietovaatimukset: Ymmärrys Microsoft 365 -palveluista ja niiden perusominaisuuksista sekä kokemus IT-järjestelmien hallinnasta ja ylläpidosta.


Lähikoulutukset Corellian koulutustiloissa: Vuorikatu 20 A, Helsinki


Antti Roine


690€ + ALV 25,5 %

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